Terms of Service


All parts must be payed in full before they are shipped or picked up, all work must be payed in full before vehicle or part is received by the customer.

Acceptable payment forms: PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and E-Transfer

We accept CAD and USD currencies, if you require an invoice in another currency please Contact Us and we will do our best to acccomodate.


Returns or credit requests must be supported by the original invoice number.


We will accept returns for credit on all unopened, undamaged products within 30 days of your purchase date. Credits will be issued at the price paid by the customer, no exceptions. Packaging must be in original condition. Credit will be issued once the product is returned in original condition. When returning goods, please ensure products are packed with care so the return arrives to us in prime condition. The customer is responsible for return shipping costs

Merchandise being returned MUST come back prepaid, insured, duty paid in original packaging with proper protection for the parts, and with a copy of the original invoice enclosed.*Please note: If these procedures are not followed, no creditno refund, no exchange will be allowed.*


Should you receive damaged product, please immediately send a photo and description to s.jrnie@gmail.com. We will issue credits on damaged goods up to 1 month after the invoice date. We will issue a credit to your account to be applied toward future purchases. Ceremonial Cacao Co will cover shipping costs of returning damaged product if we request to have the damaged product returned to us.

    All deposits on invoices for parts and services are final and will not be refunded, no exceptions.


    All orders will be processed in 1-3 business days, unless item is listed as out of stock, which we will provide a lead time upon checkout.

    When your order is prepared and ready to be shipped you will receive a shipment confirmation email which will contain shipment details, your tracking number and a link to track your package(s).

    We can not modify any address or contact information after the shipment has been picked up, please ensure all appropriate information is accurate and filled out to the best of your ability.

    It is the customers responsibility to collect their package in a timely manner to avoid any potential theft, damage, weather or wildlife, or return to vendor etc

    We do not fulfill orders on weekends

    All International packages will be delivered duty unpaid, these are the responsibility of the receiver to pay for.

    We do our best to ensure no product can be damaged during transport, however we are not able to guarantee this. Please contact us to come to a resolution.

    Shipping Parcels: UPS and Canada Post.
    Please contact if you would prefer to use different courier method, we will also work with you if you wish to provide your own shipping.

    For More detailed information on Shipping check out our Shipping FAQ Page

    When a shipment is delayed in transit, this is beyond our control and we do not offer refunds for this. No shipment times are guaranteed.


    Please Note for all freight shipments, from the date of delivery if parts are missing or damaged we will need to be notified within 24 hrs of receiving the product, also if there is significant damage to the pallet please let the driver know that you are accepting a damaged shipment and write damaged on their copy of the bol that you sign. If you do not do this, we are unable to replace your damaged or missing parts. If you would like to insure your pallet freight for full replacement value please notify us at time of quote, this will change your shipping price.

    For More detailed information on Shipping check out our Shipping FAQ Page


    • Any order over $2500 USD leaving Canada will require your SSN/EIN to be provided to customs, this is not our rule, we do not want your number. However you will need to provide it to the customs agent that contacts you if you would like to receive your package. This is their tracking policy for large goods entering the USA. 
      • If this is a pallet freight you will be required to fill out a 5106 Form, please see below for more information on the 5106 Form and links to some resources about them if you are feeling uneasy about it. If you still have questions surrounding this form or rule with any courier, I encourage you to reach out to any international broker or directly to the border customs agent at this number:  1-877-CBP-55111-202-325-8000. Or visit the US Customs and Border Protection website for more useful information about importing into the USA from Canada

    WHAT IS A 5106 FORM?

    CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Form 5106 is the Importer Identity Form. CBP uses that form to keep track of importers’ identification information, as per 19 CFR 24.5. This is important for verifying the identity of the importer, tracking their importing history, and ensuring that they are abiding by all the laws for importing into the U.S. Once you submit this form, you will become known as the Importer of Record (IOR).


    A CBP Form 5106 is required for all importer filings that are classified as formal entries. A formal entry is a type of import that is either intended for commercial purposes or valued at more than $2,500. If your shipment falls under that category, then you’re going to need to fill in and submit the 5106 Form. 

    When you change your name, address, phone number, or any other type of personally-identifying information or contact information, you will need to submit a revised version of this form to CBP to ensure that your information stays up to date. Outdated information can create many problems when you try to import again, including hefty fines.

    -Resource: https://usacustomsclearance.com/process/complete-guide-to-cbp-form-5106/


    For a list of Commonly asked questions about the 5106 please visit the link below

    -Resource: https://www.cbp.gov/trade/programs-administration/entry-summary/cbp-form-5106/importer-createupdate-identity-5106-faq